As I'm approaching my 40th Birthday, Julie was talking about planning something special to mark the occassion. As her secret laptop bwosing and giggles started to increase, she was so excited about these
special plans that she could barely contain herself. She wanted to spill the beans to me so badly! She started explaining that she planned the perfect thing, but it was indeed all a bit much. Therefore, she said, it would have to be my combo Christmas and Birthday gift together. Uhhhh....OK!!
So yesterday with Christmas upon us came the big reveal. I am still sitting here with my mouth gaping wide open. We are going to New York City!!! To see Phish play their New Year's Eve show!!! In Madison Square Garden!!! Are you frickin' kidding me??? I truly don't even know what to say.....
And here's a link to their 2009 NYE in Miami....
I'm leaving for NYC in three days!!!!!
I like to write about music as well as chronicle the goings on in my life. Maybe to look back as a kind of journal
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Friday, December 17, 2010
The Friday Five - December 17, 2010
Detlef Schrempf – Band of Horses, Cease To Begin

Sky Blue Sky – Wilco, Sky Blue Sky
One of my favorite albums right now…I’ve had it in the 6 disc changer of my car for about 4 months now and whenever I change the music up, I always seem to leave this one in the cartridge. I know everyone else that rides with me must be sick of hearing it by now, but whatevs. This is a lovely, if typical Wilco track…a well written and versed song. Tweedy singing over the acoustic arpeggio of his guitar carry the tune. Since I’ve learned a couple of tunes form this band to add to my own arsenal of guitar songs to play, this is actually on my list for one of the next songs I want to learn.
See That My Grave Is Kept Clean – Mavis Staples, Lightning In a Bottle Soundtrack
Back in around 2005 or so, I read an article about this move, Lightning In a Bottle, playing only for a weekend at the Citadel Theatre. It sounded like something I might be into, so I went to check it out…and I came out of there a happy man! It’s a history of the blues with an all-star concert spattered throughout the documentary. As you hear stories recounted by B.B. King and Buddy Guy about their influences and humble southern beginnings, you learn about the Delta and about where the blues came from. You’re introduced to folks like Clarence “Gatemouth” Brown and David “Honeyboy” Edwards. During the concert, modern performers are brought in the emulate their heroes, so you get to see the likes of Macy Gray, Angelique Kidjo, John Fogerty, Bonnie Raitt and Steven Tyler interact with backstage with their idols. Fantastic movie and fantastic soundtrack.
Don’t get Me Wrong – The Pretenders, Greatest Hits
The Pretenders are one of those groups I grew up that were just kind of always there. Good solid stuff. But I had never in my life bought a Pretenders album. I have no idea why. It was kind of like growing up with Tom Petty…same thing. Anyway, from time to time I’d hear Ms. Hynde singing somewhere and think, “Jesus..they really are a good band.” So, just a couple of months ago I bought this album of Hits. This is the kind of stuff that are becoming American classics for me. Just good ol’ straight ahead rock n’ roll. I’ve got to listen to more of this kind of stuff.
And It Spread – The Avett Brothers, I and Love and You
My new favorite darlings. How do you explain this fellas? They were playing the Folk Music festival circuit last summer in addition to some of the bigger festivals like Bonnaroo. But I’d be hard pressed to describe them to someone as a folk band. I mean, yeah…there’s banjos and acoustics guitars and maybe someone evens pulls out a washboard to scrape once in a while. But they can also scream…and they do. Like punk rockers punishing a song for being to tuneful, they let loose with their youth and let you have it from time to time. Another fantastic album in my collection; perhaps if I can manage to pull Wilco out of my car, I’ll replace it with this for a four month run.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Backyard Dreams
After weeks of talking about it, researching my options and then finally making a decision on how I was going to set about accomplishing it, the day finally arrived yesterday for me to set my plan into action. I made a backyard skating rink!
I’m actually making it for the use of my five-year-old daughter, Ruby. She enjoys skating quite a bit, as do most Canadians but as bad as it sounds, sometimes it can be hard to find the time to do it as often as we like. But I’ve got to be honest….I haven’t been this giddy about a little project for as long as I can remember. And hell, it’s not really even big enough for me to anything on it, as far as picking up speed or practicing my stick handling goes, anyway.
Although I didn’t have a pond installed in the yard, I think it’s gonna turn out okay. First, I had to pick the spot. The lot our house is on presented a few options, but really I knew where I wanted to put it from day one. The backyard immediately behind the house to which the backyard opens onto is primarily laid in bricks and patio stones. Except for this one patch of grass, kind of in the middle of it all, off to the left hand side. I have no idea what the real purpose of it was, as we just bought the house last year. My thought is that it had been a garden plot for the previous old lady owner where she could cultivate some veggies amongst her cement haven back there. The grass was simply the product of letting it having get overgrown for a couple of years.
Anyway, the spot was ideal…mere feet from the back door flat, rectangular, surrounded by trees, completely fenced all around and able to be viewed from any window on that side of the house. The idea is that even when we’re making supper in the evening for 30-40 minutes, Ruby can strap on the blades and go for a twirl on a moment’s notice without all the hassle of a two hour endeavor to the community league rink. So, as I waited for it to get cold, I planned my rink…and this is what I’ve got so far.
The grass plot measured 17’2” long and 11’3” wide. I didn’t want to put the boards right up against the border of patio stones, just in case the ice expanded while it froze and thus pushing on the stones, leaving me a brick laying project come Spring. So, I checked out the local Totem and found the wood planks I wanted (10x2’s) came in almost perfect lengths…so I brought home two 16 footers and two 10 footers. 16X10 will be a perfect sized rink.
So after work yesterday (Tuesday night), I rushed home, change d into the ol’ work clothes, gathered the equipment I would need and set to it. After packing down some of the snow that had already fallen to make it a little more evenly flat, I put my boards together. In hindsight, and something I will keep in mind for next year, you should really set the boards up before the snow comes. Even an inch or two of uneven ground can make a fairly significant difference when it comes time to filling it with water. Having it as level as possible is key.
Next up was to install a liner. Yes, you can make a rink by simply spraying the ground enough times, but trust me, it is a much longer and arduous task. Not to mention all the frickin’ water you waste as it is unable to be contained within the boards and seeps into the ground. A liner is most definitely the way to go. I went and bought a tarp at Canadian Tire that measured 15x20 to give me a couple of extra feet on all sides. I laid the tarp liner inside the frame and had enough left over to just pull it over the boards and tuck it underneath. No staples required, which will help the tarp last longer, plus no having to remove the little buggars during takedown. You can tell by the picture, it was snowing the whole time as I was building this. How fitting!
After getting the tarp laid, it was simply a matter of filling it up with water. I had read that you don’t want to be effin’ around with a frozen hose, etc. in the cold outside, so what I took this big red tub that we normally use to fill with ice and beer for summer parties and coiled my hose up in it, leaving each end hanging out for easy use. All I gotta do is unscrew the hose, pick it up and carry it inside the house for storage in the laundry room. Just as easy to take back outside for my subsequent floods.
Now, after having filled it up and even as I write this, we have had a huge dump of snow. I don’t even know how many centimeters, but it’s been a lot. When I woke up this morning, the entire thing has just about been completely covered with last night’s snowfall. So truth is, I don’t even know how the water froze yet! Whatever the result, it’s no big deal…I have another flood planned and then I want to go over it with my homemade zamboni for a nice, clean finish. But I’m dying to give it it’s first shovel and see what I’ve got underneath!
More updates on my backyard rink to come……
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Love Trumps Greed
Yesterday afternoon, the updates of my online social timeline started filling up with chants of “Go, Sue go!” Another friend had updated their facebook status to read, “Things are HAPPENING!”. This could only mean one thing: The Empress.
A few months ago, I wrote about the unseemly things that had taken place at my local pub. Feel free to refresh yourself by reading that post here:
Well, yesterday as I kept checking to see what was going on, I learned that our friend Sue was in court. I didn’t even know that she planned on taking that tact. With the support she’s been getting since everything was going down, I wish we all had a chance to chip in on her lawyer fees for her and take the day off work to attend the court. Anyway, although I have no idea what the actual case was built and centered around (something to the effect of wrongful dismissal, I would think), word came down around 3:30pm from Sue’s own profile page; “We won!! I get possession of my bar on December 20th!”
I am so happy right now I don’t even know what to say! But it comes on so many fronts. First of all let’s just say, I get my pub back! This was my community that was taken away from me. Although my neighborhood presents with a few opportunities to see my friends out and about from time to time, it just hasn’t been the same. I need to sit down with my pals and visit and bullshit and have a couple of beers. Having said that, the absence of being there over the last while has really slimmed down my belly! It’s almost incredible. The timing is terrific, not only because all I wanted for Christmas was The Empress, but because my 40th birthday is coming up next month and we were having a problem deciding where to gather with pals for celebrating.
But most of all, I’m so, so very happy for Sue and those closest to her. Something stinky had come in to ruin what she had going on in life. Her friends all rallied around her and gave her strength. She fought back against what wasn’t right….and she won. She fucking won!
I am so happy that I was able to witness this community based and driven action against Mr. Money. A similar thing actually happened to me back in 2002. I was a partner in a business with friends. The company was called and we were living our dream as self-employed entrepreneurs working in sports marketing. I remember having the faith in our idea and how it felt to actually quit our regular paying jobs in order to walk through the office doors of the space we just banded together to lease. It was incredible. We had been operating for about a year and half when it happened. It wasn’t exactly a huge money maker at the beginning, as few businesses are when first getting them off the ground. But the three of us managed to take salaries a little over $30K each….enough to pay our bills and enjoy working for ourselves. We were featured on a local TV show, highlighting our business venture. Things were okay.
Then an event in my life changed the landscape. I had a great aunt that passed and much to my astonishment, she left me a bit of money. Not millions or anything, but enough to alter my life in a way that offered me a security that perhaps were just weren’t feeling at the time. After a couple of months, by two business partners called a meeting with me and said they had been discussing some ideas about how things were going. They said that my new inheritance changed the landscape a bit, as far as our commitment to making the business an overall success. They presented to me this idea: although we were all three equal partners and all drew the same salary, I was no longer in the need to draw as much out of the company and in the spirit of it’s overall strength, I should cut my salary in half to $15,000 a year, let them increase their a little to $35,000 a year each, with the remaining savings staying within the company coffers. Uhhh…what?
Well, they said, I didn’t need the draw as much as them now and in order to prove my commitment to making the business a long term success, I should sacrifice my salary. Now, it’s not that I don’t believe in sacrifice, but I do believe that three equal partners should make a three-way commitment. I guess the other thing was that they approached me with a bit of aggression. Almost like they were trying to bully me into it a bit. I suppose the long hours and tight salaries had been taking their toll over the past more than dozen months.
In any case, I refused. I explained that the nest egg I was left with was my personal business. I was going to sock it away for buying a house, or for getting married someday….we were supposed to be equal. I certainly wasn't going to be made the bitch. When I came into work the next morning, my key didn’t work.
Those fucking little pricks. Are you kidding me? Both of their cars were out front already. What the hell was going on? I called the office number from my cell and they answered it on speakerphone. “Yeah, we decided last night that the two of us can take on your workload. We can get by without you, so now we’ll just split your salary between the two of us. You didn’t want to take the cut, so we’ll make YOU the cut. That’s 66% against your’re outvoted.” And that was it. Constructively dismissed.
Now, because we were new and weren’t exactly the type of business to acquire assets, the buyout process was a short one. Sure, I probably could’ve turned it around and used my money to buy them out, if pushed in the courts. But what the hell for? So I could do this business all by myself? I was pissed off that guys I counted as amongst my closest friends would do something like this to me. We’ve all heard stories about how business can wreck friendships. After a bit of back and forth haggling, I took my paltry buyout cheque and the three of us have never talked again.
That business was replaceable, though. It still operates today, but as a side gig to their full-time jobs. At least, that’s what I’ve come to understand. That’s fine. They can fucking have it. But Sue’s business was a little different than ours. Her stakes were exponentially larger than mine. And she fought for it. I couldn’t be prouder. I am also a little proud of how our community stood up for her. She drew strength from it and in the end, it feels good to have been part of something where we stood up for what we believed in. And it turns out with Sue winning her back yesterday, that we were all right. It feels good to give the middle finger to the people than tried to ransack her.
Sue gets possession on Monday, December 20th. I’ll see everyone there. And I’ll call in sick on Tuesday.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Behind closed doors

Julie has this really rad retro sixies couch, which is the centrepiece that the room is kind of going to revolve around. One thing I think I've decided is that I'm going to make use of the closet as part of the room, rather than as a blasted closet. Rather than have wasted space with bifold doors forever closed on it, I'm going to do something a little more useful with it. What...I do not know yet. But I do have a couple ideas.
First things first....paint. Then floors. Think I've found the color swatches. Now I have to make a decision on floors. It's tough, man. There's a lot of options. Right now the room is right down to the cement, so I'm game for anything. Nothing to rip out or cover up. I think I'll post again on the floor ideas and let y'all in on what I'm thinking. But for now I just wanted to claim:
Friday, December 3, 2010
The Friday Five - December 03, 2010
I was in a local record store shopping around for who knows what. As I flipped through CD’s, I was listening to this passionately charged up half-country, half blues (all rock!) stuff coming out of the overhead speakers. At first because I wasn’t really paying particular attention, rather sub-consciously just letting it permeate my brain, I hadn’t even discerned the difference between whether this was a man or woman. All I knew was that I loved what I was hearing. So, of course, I asked the clerk what was on. He pulled out the CD case and held it up for me; the cover art even struck me as awesome. “Lucinda Williams!”, he exclaimed. I had heard her name before but hadn’t really paid any attention to what she was doing. Well, that was about to change. This live double album from the famed Fillmore actually changed the way I listened to music. My gateway CD, if you will. I have always been one to seek out and find new music. As far as I’m concerned, I struck gold with this. I have talked about this album, lent it to many, listened to it relentlessly (no pun intended, for those that know her songs) and learned to play as many songs on my guitar from here as I can…in fact, I can even say this album changed the way I played and treated my guitar. Everyone has those albums that they feel have influenced or made an effect on their life; this is one of mine. Most definitely in my top 5 albums of all time.
I remember there was actually quite a bit of hype around this album when it was released in 2008. I actually don’t know a lot about the history of Hank 3, as he’s affectionately called, except for his obvious lineage. Although I can honestly say I’m not a huge fan of his pitchy voice, it has indeed grown on me. And I think I’m gonna let it grow on me some more. As the name of the album would suggest, he often sings like a rebel, telling people (like the Grand Ol’ Opry) to fuck off. He’s got some demons, to be sure…but I find that often translate well for music. It sure did for his Grandaddy.
We Are The People – John Mellencamp, The Lonesome Jubilee
Jesus, here’s a blast from the past. I bet I haven’t listened to this album in 20 years. For real. Letting it go on now, it doesn’t even sound that old. I wonder…is it possible that John Cougar could actually be timeless? Nah! Couldn’t be. Could it? Anyway, most of my memories revolve around Jack & Diane when I was a pre-teen just getting into listening to the radio, rather than whatever my parents had on in the house. The birth of my individuality. I have a real hard time thinking this guy played a part in ushering in that time of my life for me. But then again, he’s a straightforward, musically honest musician. And what shame is there in that? Yeah, you what? I don’t care. I liked that time in my life. Fist pump to John Cougar!
This is one of those albums I purchased based on a written review. It was even hailed as a bit of a supergroup, although that might be taking it a little far. Matthew Sweet, Pete Droge and Shawn Mullins are all fine musicians in their own rite. They came together for this laid-back, acoustic album in 2003 and to date, it's their only offering as a trio. The album is okay, if predictable and safe. I don’t mind having it on in the background, but there’s not a lot about it that makes it stand out or rise above anything else. The song writing is tight, of course, but then…I dunno why, but it just doesn’t seem enough. Somehow unfulfilled? Hhmmm….
Haha! My newest foray based on the love of my girlfriend. I don’t really know how I missed out on this generational swing. Although I’m going to be completely honest…as I started to hear their name floated around a bit more, still without ever having heard any of their music, the name of this band, Sonic Youth, for some reason conjured an image of two late teened Justin Beiber type boy band things. Stop it! Stop picking on me! I didn’t know! And I still don’t know what planted the seed that made that image pop to mind every time I heard that name, but it did. That’s not my fault, is it? Anyway, now that Julie has set me straight I’ve seen them live twice (on the same trip, mind you) and have been listening to the noise. I’m a little late to the party, but I’m okay with that. This is one of the stronger albums from their catalog, for sure and this song seems to me as a classic kind of SY song. Check back with me later when my education has become a little more complete.
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